According to the dictionary, the noun “beam” means: 1. a ray or shaft of light; 2. a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used to support the roof or floor of a
Tiny Beam Fund focuses on helping people understand things (i.e. letting a shaft of light into a dark space). Tiny Beam Fund also wants this understanding to form the base and basis on
which solutions are built (i.e. using the understanding as supporting structure).
“Beam” as a verb means “smile radiantly” which gives an image of hope and confidence even though the problem Tiny Beam Fund deals with is a grim one.
Tiny Beam Fund is sensitive to the fact that it has only a tiny amount of resources. It is careful not to wear a hat that is too big for its head.
What is the legal status of Tiny Beam Fund?
According to the dictionary, the noun “beam” means: 1. a ray or shaft of light; 2. a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used to support the roof or floor of a
Tiny Beam Fund is incorporated in the state of Massachusetts in 2019.
What are the key overarching questions
that interest us most?
The founder of Tiny Beam Fund has long been troubled by all the negative impacts associated with rearing animals for human consumption on large, industrial scale that employs a
distinctive system of production and value chain, especially when these adverse effects concern low- and middle-income countries.
Tiny Beam Fund was formed to support a better understanding of and practical ways to address this multi-faceted problem which inflicts grievous harm on animals, people, and the
environment. It aims particularly to highlight the fact that coming up with comprehensive, enduring solutions that work beyond developed economies is immensely challenging, and requires a
deep, clear, firm understanding of the problem.
Tiny Beam Fund is also inspired and encouraged by how the data, evidence, and insights provided by academic researchers have proven to be remarkably useful in shedding light on highly
complex social issues.
Who lead it?
Ever since its early days Tiny Beam Fund has received invaluable guidance and assistance from a small group of individuals who help to shape it. They come from the philanthropic sector as
well as academe and not-for-profit advocacy organizations. They are all seriously concerned about the problem of global industrial food animal production.
Tiny Beam Fund’s strengths are well suited to the programs it offers. Its founder has been a keen observer of the development of industrial animal agriculture for many years. It is
familiar with global perspectives and low and middle-income countries contexts. It has strong affinities with front-line organizations and funders wrestling with the problem as well as with
the academic research sector.
Tiny Beam Fund is nevertheless mindful of the headwind and pitfalls that it may encounter. It is not walking into this space presuming that things can be done easily.