TITLE: The impact of European Union Common Agricultural Policy on the intensification of animal farming in Bulgaria, Romania, and other countries. AUTHORS: W. Gogłoza; R. Pastuszko. KEYWORDS: government subsidies; animal welfare; EU.

Włodzimierz Gogłoza, PhD. Radosław Pastuszko, PhD.

doi: 10.15868/socialsector.37974
January 1, 2021

The full title of this Guidance Memo is: The impact of European Union Common Agricultural Policy on the intensification of animal farming in Bulgaria, Romania, and the countries that have signed association agreements with the EU.

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payments and subsidies and their unequal distribution to recipients have triggered deep structural changes in the animal agriculture sector in the EU, chief of which is the livestock industry taking advantage of the favorable climate and generous handouts to intensify production.

At the same time EU animal welfare regulations are not robustly enforced and not comprehensive enough to protect all farm animals. Consumers in the EU, however, are strongly in favor of better treatment of farm animals.

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